Live a life full of joy and laugh-vender
- Eyu Chan Hong
- February 9, 2022
Lavender (Lavandula) is a genus of forty-seven known species of flowering shrubs in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is a medicinal lavender, which is an evergreen perennial plant. It is native to the Old World and is found in Cape Verde and the Canary Islands, and from Europe across to Northern and Eastern Africa, the Mediterranean, Southwest Asia to India. These fragrant, evergreen, aromatic shrubs of the mint or labiate family form compact and regular […]
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The Botanical Rudolph
- Eyu Chan Hong
- December 23, 2021
A staghorn fern is the aristocrat of cultivated fern, scientifically known as Platycerium sp. The genus Platycerium consists of about eighteen species usually found in tropical and subtropical forests. This genus is common to the tropics and subtropics of Africa, Southeast Asia, and Australia, although some species can tolerate quite cool temperatures. The eighteen species are epiphytic ferns with hanging fronds. According to a study, a basal split of Platycerium into two well-supported clades comprises […]
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A brew-tiful day!
- Eyu Chan Hong
- November 28, 2021
A good morning always starts with a beautiful brew that fills up the atmosphere of the room with a coffee aroma. Coffee is the seeds of a small tree originating from tropical Africa and native to few places in Asia. At the same time, wild coffee is found in the remote forests of Africa and on the island of Madagascar. Wild coffees are also found in other tropical countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Australia. […]
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Not that corny, but a group of diversified individualists – Corn
- Wenyan Zhang
- November 4, 2021
General Description Corn is an essential crop and one of the most consumed staple foods consisting of about 20% of human’s calorie intake globally. Scientifically named as Zea mays. Indigenous populations in Mexico first domesticated corn around 10,000 years ago, it has evolved through thousands years of intensive breeding and shown powerful usage for food, feed, fiber, and fuel. Known as the mother grain of Americans and the driver of the US economy, the United […]
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The citrusy grass – lemongrass
- Eyu Chan Hong
- September 24, 2021
A tufted, aromatic, evergreen clump-forming and perennial grass with a sweet taste and citrusy flavour known as lemongrass are not only used in Asian recipes. It has other common names such as West Indian lemongrass, Seregrass, fever grass, Ce Kala, Nche awuta, Ahihia tii, Hhashel laymum, and Koriko oyibo. It is a herb that originated in Asia and Australia that travels along the spice route from Asia to Europe. It is also known as citronella […]
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Me time or teatime?
- Eyu Chan Hong
- September 5, 2021
Tea, scientifically known as Camellia sinensis, is recognized as one of the most popular genera in the flowering shrubs with the profusion and beauty of the garden varieties. It is the second most commonly drank liquid after water. All the tea is made from this species, and it is grown mainly in the plantations in highlands of tropical Asia. It originated from southern China, then spread to Japan and India and more recently in other […]
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Are you into that hot and spicy?
- Eyu Chan Hong
- August 10, 2021
A very spicy fruit known as chili pepper is known as chile, chile pepper, or chili. It is scientifically known as Capsicum sp. It is found under the genus Solanaceae, a berry-fruit of a plant. This genus has about ten annuals and shrubs from tropical America renowned for its fruits’ hot taste. Some varieties contributing to the fiery hotness are considered essential in so many of the world’s cuisines. Chili is known as one of […]
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The importance of water in plant
- Wenyan Zhang
- August 2, 2021
The myth that how life is formed is considered as many aspects are involved, but water is one of the most important elements, both at the early stage and the lately evolution of life. Water is not just participate as the building blocks, but also as the director, the medium and the regulator. Every organism needs water in the form of liquid or gas. How long can we survive without the water, H2O? The study […]
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