Pistia: The Floating Jewel of Aquatic Gardens
- PlantBiotechs
- December 22, 2024
Water lettuce, water cabbage, nile cabbage or Pistia stratiotes is a perennial monocotyledonous plant and the only species in the genus belongs to the family of Araceae. It is originated from Florida and Texas and now widespread in ponds of the warmer parts of the world. It is an aquatic perennial widespread or usually known as aggressive colonizer in the tropics and a noxious weed in some areas as it grows in a very wide […]
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No smoking, unless you are on fire! – Tobacco
- Eyu Chan Hong
- October 5, 2023
General description Tobacco, a plant with a long and complex history, has been utilized for centuries for its medicinal and recreational properties. Unfortunately, tobacco use has become a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide. The Nicotiana genus includes sixty-seven species of annuals, biennials, perennials, and shrubs native to America and Australia. The commercial tobacco plant, used for producing tobacco products, was first used by Native Americans for medicinal and spiritual purposes. When Europeans arrived in […]
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Exploring the Versatility and Applications of Plant Oils: From Nutritional Benefits to Industrial Uses
- PlantBiotechs
- August 13, 2023
Oils and fats are essential sources of energy in the human diet and significantly contribute to the sensory characteristics of food. Overweight (body mass index, BMI ≥ 25) and obesity (BMI ≥ 30) are classified as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the body, which can negatively impact health. These conditions may arise from a variety of factors, including individual predisposition, socioeconomic status, and environmental influences. Common causes include dietary habits, genetics, medication use, physical […]
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Live a life full of joy and laugh-vender
- Eyu Chan Hong
- February 9, 2022
Lavender (Lavandula) is a genus of forty-seven known species of flowering shrubs in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is a medicinal lavender, which is an evergreen perennial plant. It is native to the Old World and is found in Cape Verde and the Canary Islands, and from Europe across to Northern and Eastern Africa, the Mediterranean, Southwest Asia to India. These fragrant, evergreen, aromatic shrubs of the mint or labiate family form compact and regular […]
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A brew-tiful day!
- Eyu Chan Hong
- November 28, 2021
A good morning always starts with a beautiful brew that fills up the atmosphere of the room with a coffee aroma. Coffee is the seeds of a small tree originating from tropical Africa and native to few places in Asia. At the same time, wild coffee is found in the remote forests of Africa and on the island of Madagascar. Wild coffees are also found in other tropical countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Australia. […]
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Phytochemicals – a colorful rainbow that is edible
- Eyu Chan Hong
- July 30, 2020
Natural light separates into seven different colors through a prism, which is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple. Luckily these are the colors you can find on your dinner table, a full spectrum of the rainbow that is edible. Colorful food is a visual delight, the diversified colors are not just an enhancement of the appearance of food but also beneficial to our health in many ways. In this article, the colors are […]
Read MoreTrends of Producing coronavirus vaccine using Tobacco Plants
- Wenyan Zhang
- May 27, 2020
Before the commercialized vaccine was introduced, people mostly use traditional ways such as medicinal plants to battle infectious diseases. Plants that have antibiotic properties such as ginger, echinacea kill some pathogens and benefit the immune system. But using plants as vaccine factories is a relatively new idea because plants do not produce pathogens or human proteins. Not until plant genetic engineering technologies have been in the playing for the past 3 decades which allows foreign […]
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