Plant propagation – vegetative propagation
- Eyu Chan Hong
- March 4, 2021
Vegetative propagations or asexual reproduction are frequently used in horticulture or agriculture to propagate economically valuable plants and cash crops, especially the perennial species that produce sterile or no seeds. Asexual reproduction does not involve the union of gametes, production of seeds or spores, and changes in the number of chromosomes, which often used single cells (algae), tissues, organs, or specialized organs that undergo structural modifications. Regeneration through somatic cells, tissues, or organs is also […]
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The Japanese art – Bonsai
- Wenyan Zhang
- January 6, 2021
Bonsai in Japanese means the plant in a pot. Once a luxury for the privileged people or garden centers of specialists, these tiny artistic trees were uncommon curiosities or botanical freaks due to the fine aesthetic design and artistic conception. Not until now, indoor miniature landscaping has been gaining popularity as modern green, which also bring back this ancient art to the general public for everybody who is into this art. Because of the association […]
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The tree that bears presents – Christmas tree
- Eyu Chan Hong
- December 7, 2020
The Christmas present is underneath the Christmas tree. Weeks before, the children had written letters to the baby Jesus and slipped them in between the winter windows. Then, the children go to bed while waiting for the surprises from Santa Claus. The tradition of giving presents is not so very old. There was a time when the Christmas tree was unknown in the mountainside. Nowadays, the market offers a Christmas tree suitable for every taste […]
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The Christmas star– Poinsettia
- Eyu Chan Hong
- December 7, 2020
Many flower blossoms remind us of radiant stars in appearance and color. The flowers and other plant parts with stars ultimately lead to the Christmas star or star of Bethlehem, which is a natural conclusion from the Christian point of view that dominated even science until at least the end of the nineteenth century. Potted poinsettias are a familiar Christmas decoration all over the northern hemisphere, but this native of Mexico is only a garden […]
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Sexuality in plants – he or she? or both?
- Wenyan Zhang
- December 3, 2020
Most people would refer plants to female or she and mostly describe them as a symbol of femininity, resilience, and fertility in literacy because regardless of their sex, they are capable of producing seedlings or baby plants either through sexual or asexual reproduction. Similar to animals, plants have genders. However, it is not as clear and straightforward as compared to animals and humans. The variations of sex in plants are extensive which are reflected as […]
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Tips for choosing the ideal location for houseplants
- Eyu Chan Hong
- November 30, 2020
It is undeniable that modern green ensures green positivity for us especially those who work from home in the current global pandemic. A room with modern green, not only provides natural positivity but also supply plenty of fresh air to us by eliminating toxic substances from the air. Other than the miniature indoor landscaping planting such as bonsai, kokedama, and terrarium, the most popular way would be growing houseplants in the dwelling. There is a […]
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Ginger – the omnipotent root
- Wenyan Zhang
- November 21, 2020
Ginger undoubtedly is a magic plant that possesses incredible healing and disease-fighting powers. Scientifically known as Zingiber officinalis in the family Zingiberaceae, native to southern China but is widely cultivated around the world. Closely related to the well-known species like turmeric and cardamom, ginger is highly valued as a medicinal plant for thousands of years both in India and China. The parts of the ginger that usually consumed are the modified roots known as rhizomes, […]
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Trick or treat? The Halloween pumpkin
- Eyu Chan Hong
- October 22, 2020
Knock! Knock! Trick or treat? Candies, vampires, ghosts, skulls, of course, the freak pumpkins. Botanically pumpkin is the common name of Cucurbita pepo L. in the family of Cucurbitaceae, which has the most species as human food. The genus Cucurbita is native to North America, including northeastern Mexico and the southern United States. Cucurbita fraternal and Cucurbita Texana are the possible progenitors for pumpkins. How pumpkin became the major role of Halloween, and why carving […]
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