A brew-tiful day!
- Eyu Chan Hong
- November 28, 2021
A good morning always starts with a beautiful brew that fills up the atmosphere of the room with a coffee aroma. Coffee is the seeds of a small tree originating from tropical Africa and native to few places in Asia. At the same time, wild coffee is found in the remote forests of Africa and on the island of Madagascar. Wild coffees are also found in other tropical countries like India, Sri Lanka, and Australia. […]
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Not that corny, but a group of diversified individualists – Corn
- Wenyan Zhang
- November 4, 2021
General Description Corn is an essential crop and one of the most consumed staple foods consisting of about 20% of human’s calorie intake globally. Scientifically named as Zea mays. Indigenous populations in Mexico first domesticated corn around 10,000 years ago, it has evolved through thousands years of intensive breeding and shown powerful usage for food, feed, fiber, and fuel. Known as the mother grain of Americans and the driver of the US economy, the United […]
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