Not only used for photosynthesis – the roles of leaf in species identification
- Eyu Chan Hong
- February 23, 2021
A great appreciation goes to the famous Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus who launched the binomial nomenclature system (International Code for Botanical Nomenclature), which is still applicable nowadays. How to identify the species based on morphological traits? A plant is easily identified through its flower or fruits because either the color or the structure of the organs are distinguished. However, not all plants have flowers and some flowering plants are seasonal and may have very short […]
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- Eyu Chan Hong
- February 23, 2021
Indoor plants have undoubtedly become an essential of every house. As the global pandemic caused by covid19 cases increasing, many careers are required to work remotely or work from home (WFH). From time to time, people found it is better to have indoor plants to decorate the working area, and now, house plants are widely demanded creating greenery in the house. The main criteria for choosing the indoor plant are to have plants that demand […]
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Roses are red, violets are blue, I can’t imagine my life without you
- Eyu Chan Hong
- February 13, 2021
When we talk about Valentine’s Day, a rose is a must! It is the national floral emblem of the United States in which President Ronald Reagan had signed the legislation in the year 1986. Rose, the romantic flower that is scientifically known as Rosa has about one hundred and fifty species under the family of Rosaceae that possess countless hybrids that are valued for their beauty. Rose is planted mainly for ornamental purposes, which is […]
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The food of God and gift of the Valentine, cocoa
- Eyu Chan Hong
- February 11, 2021
Theobroma this genus consists of about twenty species of evergreen trees that can be found from tropical America. The trees can grow naturally as understory plants in the forests. Theos means God, while broma means food. It refers to the seeds of Theobroma cocoa as the food of God, which is the chocolate. Theobroma cacao, commonly known as cocoa or cacao is native to the tropical forests of Central America. This tree can grow up […]
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The lovely leaf – Hoya
- Eyu Chan Hong
- February 10, 2021
A twiner or root climber with lovely leaves is known as Hoya under the family of Apocynaceae, with waxy foliage. It is one of the most popular plants that are about two to three hundred species during Valentine’s day that is native to Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and tropical Australia. Hoya is commonly known as a waxy flower that bears clusters of scented, star-shaped flowers in the summer. Hoya is waxy and resembles cake ornaments […]
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From one to multiple – plant propagation (1)
- Wenyan Zhang
- February 10, 2021
Plants have the amazing ability to multiply themself into hundreds and thousands once the condition is favored. In the process of spreading the progeny from the parent plant, every plant cell literally has the potential to develop into a new plant. As rooted and sessile organisms, in order to expand their territories and occupy more land, plants must catch every opportunity that spreads their offsprings. Anything that moves around them could serve as transportation vehicles, […]
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The house of the Spongebob – pineapple
- Eyu Chan Hong
- February 1, 2021
- pineapple
Pineapple is neither pine nor apple but is a monocot plant that is also a herbaceous perennial. Scientifically referred to as Ananas comosus, pineapple is a native species of southern Brazil and Paraguay area, where the wild relatives are found, the pineapple was firstly domesticated by the Indians and carried up through South and Central America to Mexico and the West Indies long before the arrival of Europeans. The pineapple was praised by early European […]
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