The Spleenwort – Asplenium
- Eyu Chan Hong
- January 6, 2021
- asplenium
- bird's nest
- fern
- spleenwort
Asplenium is one of the most popular houseplants in the family of Aspleniaceae which consists of seven hundred evergreen ferns widely distributed around the world. It has a very diverse growth form as the genus includes terrestrial and epiphytic species and the species that grow on the rocks. The variations among the species made the distinct features that differentiate from a species to another species. Some make dense turfs of fronds or rosettes. Others creep […]
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Tips for choosing the ideal location for houseplants
- Eyu Chan Hong
- November 30, 2020
It is undeniable that modern green ensures green positivity for us especially those who work from home in the current global pandemic. A room with modern green, not only provides natural positivity but also supply plenty of fresh air to us by eliminating toxic substances from the air. Other than the miniature indoor landscaping planting such as bonsai, kokedama, and terrarium, the most popular way would be growing houseplants in the dwelling. There is a […]
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The five key elements for indoor plants to thrive
- Wenyan Zhang
- August 25, 2020
When I was young, my father used to keep a bonsai and a pot of mini bamboo in the living room, they were static forever, tranquil yet lifeful. Our house plants run in a routine for years, a tray of blooming daffodil in the spring and yellow chrysanthemum in the autumn. We may not notice, but we live closely and co-evolve with plants throughout human history. The first flowering plant appeared about 130 million years ago, […]
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Succulents, the most “suc”-cessful plants
- Eyu Chan Hong
- August 12, 2020
Succulent, the most “suc”-cessful survivor that can be found in arid areas such as desert when nothing is found. Then how about cactus, the most famous desert plant? Well, succulent commonly named as xerophytes, xeros means dry, because of their adaptability to live in a dry environment. Cactus (plural cacti) is one of the widely known examples of succulents. Almost all cacti are stem succulents. Overall, succulents are briefly referring to the rosette-plants that have […]
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Aloe you vera much
- Eyu Chan Hong
- June 26, 2020
- succulent plant
Aloe vera is one of the few plants that share the same scientific and common name. It is a flowering plant that originates from Northern Africa under the family of Aloaceae, which was previously placed under the lily family (Liliaceae). Aloe vera is a xerophyte, a plant that can grow in arid conditions and can withstand long periods of drought. This adaptation includes waxy leaves, the ability to store water, leaves reduced to spines to […]
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Venus flytrap – don’t fall into the “trap”!
- Eyu Chan Hong
- June 22, 2020
- Horticulture
- Plant care
Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) is the most exciting and popular among all carnivorous plants as it has modified leaves as snap traps. It is under the family of Droseraceae and the only species in its genus. Venus flytraps are native only to the coastal plain of southeastern North Carolina and extreme northeastern South Carolina. It can be found the area with unfavorable conditions such as peaty and acidic soil mostly low nutrient availability in damp […]
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