The Spleenwort – Asplenium
- Eyu Chan Hong
- January 6, 2021
- asplenium
- bird's nest
- fern
- spleenwort
Asplenium is one of the most popular houseplants in the family of Aspleniaceae which consists of seven hundred evergreen ferns widely distributed around the world. It has a very diverse growth form as the genus includes terrestrial and epiphytic species and the species that grow on the rocks. The variations among the species made the distinct features that differentiate from a species to another species. Some make dense turfs of fronds or rosettes. Others creep […]
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Selaginella – False roses of Jericho
- Wenyan Zhang
- December 22, 2020
Selaginella is an evergreen, rhizomatous perennial in the genus of Selaginella from the family of Selaginellaceae. Generally known as spike moss or arborvitae ferns, mainly found in tropical and warm-temperate zones, Selaginella is highly valued as small ornamental plants that provide a very satisfactory blossom miracle. Although share resemblance with the true rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica), which is a flowing plant in the family Brassicaceae. They are absolutely botanically unrelated because Selaginella is one […]
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